I finished my first listening of your Marketing DVD last night. I have greatly appreciated the audio aspects of the DVD because it allows me to work on things like photo editing while still getting the value of your instruction. I greatly appreciate everything that you have shared in your DVD. The materials, the suggestions, the value of your lessons learned, they will all greatly enhance not only my photography itself but my success in developing my business as a nature photographer.
I am also impressed with the depth of information you have shared. Most professional photographers are loathe to share "secrets of the trade." I once attended a John Shaw business of photography workshop, where someone asked him how it was the he could share his secrets so readily. His response: "Because I know that only ten percent of you will do anything with it." I sense from your DVD that you share the information simply because you hope that others can enjoy the same success that you have.
Thank you again for the fantastic Marketing DVD and its many pieces of wisdom. I look forward to implementing your suggestions. I also look forward to attending one of your workshops in the future.
Carl Johnson
Alain, I haven't finished listening to the entire Marketing Mastery set but so far I think it is a very valuable source of information. Great Job!! A bargain given the amount of information contained on it.
Dave Hammaker
Hi Alain.....just wanted to let you know I used another principal from your Marketing DVD..."make them buy today, not later". I put a small ad in the local paper reminding them that Holiday shopping is at hand, that they needed to give the gift of photography instead of the same old gifts..AND if they bought THIS weekend only they could get 20% off. So at my gallery I sold 7 Large framed prints and 5 smaller framed prints. The biggest weekend I had ever had.
I had planned on shooting late this afternoon but called my wife and told her I had to stay at the gallery and do some printing to take the replacements to the framer on Monday...COOL!!! Also thanks for putting my website on your site in that comment....It definitely picked up the traffic on my site!
Got the printing done so I guess I'll go shoot tomorrow. Trying to get the hang of 4x5 photography, there is a learning curve there for sure. Also trying to shoot some "southern" panoramics with the Fuji 617. I haven't shot film in about 5 years but needing those "WOW" shots for the gallery. Thanks again
Robert Garvin
Alain's experience selling photographs is not only extensive, it is phenomenal.
Here is one of the best selling living photographers sharing how he is selling and marketing his work,
sharing what he is doing and explaining how you can do it too.
This is unique.
I don't know of anyone else who is doing this or of anyone else who plans on doing this,
especially not a photographer who is at the top in terms of sales.
John Besham
I just received my copy of your Marketing CD and am very impressed.
I was not sure the material would be worth the price, but can now say it was a wise investment.
Thank you for making this CD available.
I plan to follow nearly all your advice, as I have just started going to shows to sell my artwork. .
Rob Bennett
I have really enjoyed the Marketing DVD....I have been in retail my entire life so many of your thoughts were the same I have lived by in my grocery business for all these years but it all helped me to focus and revitalize as I try to make my new venture...Real Southern Images...my photography gallery a success.
The gallery is not supposed to work...small southern town with very little walk-in traffic...but as my "product" is getting more widespread I am amazed at what I am selling. Ofcourse my expenses here are not like a big city. I bought the 110 year old building I am located in for a mere $10,000 and ofcourse now it is a showplace and people walk in and their mouths drop open. It has helped spur a complete downtown revival.
Six new business have opened in the last 2 months with more in progress.
I am now working on getting some more "WOW" shots printed and framed for the gallery...like you said in your dvd ( . . . ). My wife and I just returned from Jackson, Wyoming and Cody, Montana and after spending days in the galleries had decided that is what my gallery is missing...the "WOW" prints!
Robert Garvin
I would like to give you some of my initial impressions about your Marketing DVD which I received a bout 1 month ago.
I had never before spent so much money on acquiring information and my purchase of your Marketing package was a leap of faith in you and your product. Let me tell you that within a few minutes of listening to your audio recordings, I was blown away by the contents. The quality and quantity of information you provide is extremely valuable and massive. I have already learned so much and my mindset towards selling art has changed dramatically to say the least, and I'm only one quarter into the material.
However, the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and I'm trilled to have sold my first photograph at an exhibition. I was able to go from the buyer saying to me in an apologetic manner "...we just bought a painting from another artist..." to closing the sale and handing the photograph to the happy new owners (without lowering the price). There is absolutely no way I could have sold that piece without the knowledge I gained from your Marketing DVD. I have so much more confidence now in my selling abilities. I can't wait to go through the remaining three quarters of the material.
Thank you very much Alain.
Araz Jakalian
over email
Testimonial from David White in California
I received the Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD early this week. Although I have not had the time to go through all the materials and presentations, I wanted to let you know about my initial impressions.
The amount of material, both audio and written is simply amazing. Every aspect of marketing photography from A to Z is covered in the topics on the DVD. Out of curiosity I did skip around a bit to get a feel for things and to explore a few areas that were of particular interest and I have to say that the material presented is on a par with and exceeds corporate marketing courses costing thousands of dollars for a few days of instruction.
I can certainly see that if one follows the philosophy and specific instructions provided by this DVD that there is no excuse for failure for those willing to put in the effort to implement your recommendations.
The price may seem high to some, but if you look at the costs of a workshop plus transportation, lodging, meals, and time away from home, it is a bargain. One big advantage of the DVD is that unlike a seminar or workshop, if something is missed, forgotten or not completely understood, the material is available to repeat at any time.
I have transferred the audio files to my iPod so that I can listen to the lessons when I am doing other things such as the endless miles on the treadmill at the gym or in the car when on the road.
Congratulations on another excellent product. You never disappoint.
David White
2 - Testimonial from James Moore:
Hi Alain,
Here are my impressions of the Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD:
1. Satisfaction:
The Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD is, without question, the wisest investment of my money that I have ever made! While I cannot point to a boost in sales via marketing efforts after only one week to substantiate that claim, I don't need material gains to do so.
What I have purchased is knowledge: a knowledge that appears to have been claimed and secured in the trenches of marketing and salesmanship; a knowledge that has been honed through years of trial-and-error, employment of consultants, adaptation of technique to a niche market, and perhaps more efforts that I have not yet thought of. Such information is priceless to me. As an owner of your Marketing CD it was of great value to me in getting me started. The Marketing Mastery DVD takes that rudimentary information so much further. It is like trying to compare apples and oranges.
I have already learned a few simple mistakes that I have made which are easily correctable. And, I have had questions answered that have nagged at me. I listen to your audio files immediately upon returning home from work and have even begun listing to the audio on my drive to and from work. I am excited! I am thrilled! And, I cannot wait to implement your system to grow my business. This is fun!
2. Audio:
Listening to your audio files is a joy. It is just like having Alain Briot sitting across from me explaining what he knows about marketing fine art photography and how to do it successfully. By the third audio file I was very comfortable with this format. At first I was concerned because I have a severe hearing deficiency and you do have an accent that I find difficult at times; however, I can boost the sound level via my headphones and repeat the phrase or sentence as many times as necessary before I fully understand your meaning--this is something I can't do at workshops, so this is a big plus for me.
3. Quickstep Cards:
Having read in advance what your Quickstep Card system was, I tested the concept by taking my own notes during the first two chapters, "Introduction" and "Art & Business." When I compared my notes to your Quicksteps I was satisfied that you captured the essential concepts, points, and emphasis of each chapter in a concise and succinct manner.
I now have the freedom of devoting my concentration to the audio portion while employing the supplemental PDF files as required during your verbal presentations without the extra effort of making notes. Although you may not have designed the Quickstep concept as a primer for tests and/or quizzes, I have begun employing them to that end in order to test myself for my understanding and knowledge.
4. Overall Impression:
This DVD program is, in my opinion, far more useful than any workshop that I could attend (I had previously targeted your 2008 workshop season to attend your Marketing Mastery Seminar until I learned of your announcement for the Marketing Mastery DVD).
I have found workshops allow for a personal interaction and networking that is beneficial and/or crucial, and workshop materials and resources are always reviewable, but a workshop is a singular event that, like a photograph, cannot be revisited.
The audio files, Quickstep Cards, and supplemental resource materials of the Marketing Mastery DVD may be reviewed over and over again until thorough familiarity with foreign concepts, ideas, reasoning, and practices become second nature. In short, the DVD program is a gold mine of information and opportunity.
James Moore